In our technologically advanced world, more and more people work in front of computers each day. While being able to tele-commute has many benefits, working with people around the world without even having to leave the comfort of your office or home, perhaps one of the most common repercussions we see of this way of working is carpal tunnel syndrome.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
On a weekly basis, any Brisbane chiropractic centre will see people who are experiencing pain, tingling and numbness in their hands and wrists. In most instances, this discomfort is what is known as carpal tunnel syndrome, where the median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel becomes compressed and impaired and is unable to provide proper function and feeling to the fingers. In some cases, however, these symptoms are caused by issues with the nerves further up in the elbow, lower neck or even shoulders. In many cases, people with carpal tunnel syndrome perform some sort of habitual movement with their hands, wrists and fingers, such as typing on a keyboard.
How do I Know if I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
One of the first signs that the median nerve has been compromised is a tingling, numbness or burning feeling in the fingers or thumb. Sometimes, people report that they aren’t able to grip as tightly as they once could, or that their hand swells. These are just a few of the common ways carpal tunnel syndrome presents itself.
We perform some comprehensive test in our advanced care chiropractic clinic to assess nerve function and some of the assessment equipment used can be seen on our website.
The important thing to remember is that you needn’t live with the pain or discomfort caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms or suspect that you too may have carpal tunnel syndrome, contact our advanced care chiropractic clinic today.